Quick Edit Availability


Hello everyone,

Today I’ll talk about the quick edit feature in SharePoint Classic display.

When you go to a list, you can use the Quick edit mode either by clicking on the ribbon or on the “edit” next to “new item”

Quick Edit Availability(1)

Once the button clicked, the view changed and you can edit the list the same way you edit content in Excel

Quick Edit Availability(2)

This can be useful but sometimes, the requirement is to disable this feature.

For this, you have two options:

First scenario, you need to disable it only for a specific view

  1. Click on modify/create the view
  2. Go down to the “Tabular view” section and uncheck the box “Allow individual item checkboxes”

Quick Edit Availability(4)



Second scenario, you need to disable it for the full list

  1. Click on your list settings and go to “Advanced settings”Quick Edit Availability(5)
  2. Go down to “Quick Edit” section and select “no” for “Allow items in this list to be edited using Quick Edit”

Quick Edit Availability(6)


For both scenario, the result will be that the “Edit this list” will not appear and the “Quick Edit” button will be greyed out.

Quick Edit Availability(3)

Of course, if you disabled on the list, it will not be available on a single view.

Hoping this helps!



aOS Luxembourg ressources


Hello everyone,

Last week I had the pleasure to loose my speaking virginity at aOS Luxemburg.

It was very fun to do that and a lot of people were there to share the knowledge.

Thanks again to all the people present!

If you want to take a look at our session, you can find it here : SharePoint and Javascript modern development 

You can also find the source code on Github.

Finally, all the slides used on the aOS events are there : https://www.slideshare.net/aOSCommunity


I really enjoy to participate on this community and it’s always a pleasure to meet new people who share the same passion!

See you all next time!


Speaker at aOS Luxemburg


Hello everyone,

Today I must confess that I’m a virgin. I ‘ve never been speaker to any community event. This virginity is almost lost!

With my friend Yannick Plenevaux, we will present the session “SharePoint & JavaScript – Modern Development” on AOS Luxemburg the 4th of December.

If your interested, there is still some seat available! => REGISTER

Here you can find the full detail of the event


See you there!


SPFx – Security error on local workbench



Hello everyone,

Today I’ll talk about an error that can occur when you start to develop SPFx.

Working with this, you can face yourself with an error of security when you try to launch the local workbench “This site can’t provide a secure connection

spfx error

To fix this, you should specify an environment variable in your user profile “NODE_NO_HTTP2” with the value “1”


Thanks to my colleague stephane which was confronted to this error and shared his solution.


Update :

After some search, I found that the error was discuss on github and a solution without modifying a variable is provided.

When you run your “gulp serve”, run instead “NODE_NO_HTTP2=1 gulp serve


Hoping this helps!



SharePoint Designer – Check if item exists


Hello everyone,

Today I’ll talk, again, about the SharePoint 2010 Workflows of SharePoint Designer. I know it is deprecated but on some occasion, you need to use what you can!

So, one thing which is missing is the possibility to check if an item exists before doing some action.

For instance, I had an error when I tried to delete item which wasn’t existing. pretty annoying since at the end, what I wanted (not having this file) was done. But my workflow ended in “Error Occurred”.

So, as a workaround, what you can do is create a workflow variable => set its value to a value coming from the item you are looking for => check if the value is not empty to know if the item exists!



When you try to perform an action on a non-existing item, you end up with a “Error Occurred” but if you want to read a value from a non-existing item, it doesn’t throw any error!


Hoping this helps!


SharePoint Designer mail format error


Hello everyone,

Today I’ll talk about a weird behavior you can have with the SharePoint 2010 Workflows of SharePoint Designer.

The problem was happening with some mail sent. In fact, sometimes, the content of the mail was weird.


  • Some text where bold when received by some user
  • Some word where containing spaces coming from nowhere



After some time checking my mail content, I went to see the properties of the mail


Then on the body


There is the content of my mail



After some check with other mail having no issue, I found that a parameter was missing from the HTML Tag => xmlns:o=”urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office”

Change it like this


Republish and all went ok!

Hoping this helps!




Quick Win – Display template missing


Hello everyone,

Today I’ll talk about something that is not quite clear in SharePoint (Yes… again!).

where are my dragons



euh, no, where are my Display Templates HTML files??



When you want to customize a display template, all the “How to” that you can find on the internet mention that you must modify the HTML but not the JavaScript file. Well so…

When you go on a new site for the first time, sometimes those HTML files are not present! As always in SharePoint, when something is missing, let’s take a look at the features we can activate !


With everything there, the “Search Server Web Parts and Templates” seams the best choice for me! Let’s add it and it should be ok…



Well …no..

In fact, we need, again, to activate the Big Gun feature, namely SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure!


And Voila!



Really, with all the stuff that this feature provides, I don’t understand why it is not default activated.


Hoping this helps!


Site settings links is missing

office365Hello everyone,

Today I’ll talk about a major change in site design with the modern UI, namely the case of the missing site settings links!!!




If you look at the picture, you can see that the usual location of “Site Settings” was replaced by three links :

  • Site Information
  • Site Permissions
  • Change the look.


Those links open a panel providing a quick edit for those settings

Site Information


Site Permissions 


Change the look



Let’s take another look at those screen, foreach you have a link on the bottom redirecting you to a more complete screen

Site Information can redirect you to ….



Site Settings! (Gotcha!)


Site Permissions will redirect you to …



advance permissions settings


Change the look redirect you to the full change the look page




Hoping this helps!


Hide “Recent” link in classic mode


Hello everyone,

Today in the “Quick Win” section, I’ll talk about a small trick regarding “Recent” link in the navigation.

What is it?

The “Recent” link is a link added by SharePoint when you add a new app in your site and when you choose to NOT add it to the current navigation …



How to remove it?

Yeah, I really don’t know why Microsoft decided to add this feature, on most of my customer, when the navigation is defined, they don’t like to see it brutally changed without their permission.

First attempt to delete this annoying stuff, go to the navigation and click “Delete”. Yeah, it should work but…

If you don’t have the publishing infrastructure set on your site, you need to provide an url to the recent to be able to remove it (…) !


If you add a new app, the link gets back..



How to get rid of it?

First, I know my solution is not a wonderfull solution but it’s working as expected.   To do this, you will need to have the publishing infrastructure activated.

Create a SharePoint Group called “Recent Reader” and remove all the people from it.


Go to the navigation and apply an audience on the Recent link for the “Recent Reader” group.




The link won’t be visible by anyone after that!


Hoping this helps!




Quick Win – Change default permission on site “Share”


Hello everyone,

Today I’ll talk about the default access you can give to people using the “Share” functionality on site level.

When you share a site, depending on your permission on the current site, you will have one of the two following processes

Case 1: you don’t have the permission to give access.

During the share, you will see this screen.


And there is a new request for the site owner on the “Access Request” list


In this request, the site owner can choose another group or give direct access to the person.




Case 2: you have the permission to give access.


In this screen, you can see that you invite people to “EDIT”. You can choose another group or give direct access to the person.


What if I don’t want them to EDIT but to READ by default?

If you want to set another group as the default group for Share functionality, you can just specify the wanted group as the default group for the site.

For this

  1. Go to “Site Settings” and click the “People and Groups”
  2. Select the group you want as default one
  3. Click on “Settings” and again on “Make Default Group”



When it’s done, if you share the site, you can see that the permission requested if the group you just specified



Note: The Share will only works if the target people doesn’t have access to the site. If you set the default group as “Members” and someone is already a “Visitor”, the share won’t ask for him to be added in the “Members” group.


Hoping this helps
